Guest post by Nodira
We see relations of young people in the street, at the lyceum, in the shops etc and we know about the behavior of youth nowadays. Let me express my opinion as regards to this situation. I think these days young people are not serious. I mean girls and boys pretend to be in love with each other BUT IN REALITY IT IS NOT TRUE. Young people do not love each other. They only want to spend some time together. This is my personal opinion and certainly I can argue that they do not love each other.
So why do I think so? For instance, in the street you see every day several young couples kissing and
hugging each other. Do you know if a boy loves any girl
it means that he respects her? And if the boy really respects the girl he will not kiss or hug her in the street among the people. It is not love it is nonsense! Do you agree with me? This is the first reason that made me write about the relations of young people.
This time I want to address to boys who do not respect the girls. You know many boys call friends everything that can lay one`s tongue or they use disgusting words in their speech. May be these boys using these words try to attract the girls` attention but these kind of actions show the boys` bad behavior. Good boys and girls do you agree with me?
Yes, may be it is early for me to discuss these kind of topics, because I am only 15 years old but I think I should know how to express my mind any time and any age.
If you do not agree with my essay you can write and we will discuss! Thank you for your attention! Good bye!
Hi Nodira!
ReplyDeleteYou wrote that nowadays young people don't love each other that they are not serious.Yes I think that it is wrong to show close relationships in public places ,for example kissing.You said that young people are not serious but they are Young and they Just begin to know what is relationships between man and woman. When you see for example a man holding a woman's hand...do you think that it is bad behavior?
I Know people who tries to attract the girls attention with bad speech, because they think that it's cool but it isn't! I agree with you !
You said that if the boy really respects the girl he wwouldn't kiss or hug her in the street among the people.
ReplyDeleteBut in my opinion if the girl respects herself she will never allow the boy kiss her ar hug in the street among the people.
Love love love I everywhere hear this word! But what is a real love? may be it doesn't exist? As said Anxel de kuantez Love is sun, wish is flash!We wish body but love soul! So real love is something more higher then just kisses and hugs!
Clever topic, huh =))))) Ms.Nadira you are so interesting girl you know. Whereas you are 15. Well by the way first love begins in age 13-15. Maybe you fall in love and you want to know more about this feeling or that boy who you loved was bad. Anyway it is your heart and it is up to you.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you that love becoming or maybe became like a game between girls and boys. It is pity, on the other hand. So great feeling and .......... Yeah many boys and girls talk in strange language, for example somebody says I talked with her/him. It sounds in Uzbek "Man u bilan gaplashganman". You know when I first heard this phrase I didn't understand what he meant :-))))))))))))
Young people love each other just for fun I can say. It shows them that they are adults and they can become independent. Whatever it was I agree with you Nodira good topic to talk.
In addition, boys don't speak very cruel to each other ))))) And they don't need girls' attention.
eeeerm .. but in my opinion it is normal when boys kiss and hug their girlfriends in the street.
ReplyDeleteIf they love each other why should they hide it.
support John hhhhh=)
ReplyDeleteHi)Very good topic to discuss.Thank you Nadira.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with Madina`s opinion.Nadira you said that if boy really loved the girl, he wouldn`t kiss and hug her.But as Madina said if girl respects herself she wouldn`t allow him to kiss and hug her.So, you must know that life is changing and our behaviour is also changing.For example, everybody has mobile phones and computer at home.We always watch different Hollywood movies and you know that children are very curious.They interested in everything and they often immitate actors.Nowadays when we`re watching movie we let children to watch how actors are kissing and hugging.I think it influence in child`s mind and a child will try to repeat this. Finally to me it`s not bad when lovers are kissing and hugging.They just enjoy with life.Nobody knows when we die.So we must live our life with love.
so so so!Nodira you delivered guite interesting topic!i absolutely agree with you except one question. How do you know that guys use bad words in their speech to attract girls? can you explain it?
ReplyDeleteSo Utkir I`ll try to answer to your question. I think by writing these sentences Nadira wanted to say that nowadays most boys try to show themselve using bad words.I agree with Nadira`s opinion because in the real life I always see and hear that boys or my groupmates use bad words near girls.Girls listen it but they can`t say nothing and they just behave themselves as they don`t listen these words.
ReplyDeleteHowever girls also guilt of this.Cuz if they want not using bad words in boys` speech,they should complain to boys about this . I think boys will understnd girls.Because at least we`re not so selfish.
Ha ha Ahmad not only boys use bad words in speech, I know many girls who have "Perfect" language. :)))))))
ReplyDeleteAlso life has not changed; we, people have changed and it seems that world changed.
Anyway, I wonder where author of topic is???????
Doston yeah you`re right girls also speak bad words and I think it`s very bad.When I see such kind of girls,I imagine their future life. What would they do when they had a baby? To me I don`t want a wife who speaks perfectly bad words)Furthermore if mothers spoke bad words, it would influence in child`s behaviour.
ReplyDeleteYeah People we`re changing and don`t you worry about it?
Yeah it is a very controversial issue that Nodira wrote about. I think it is absolutely not ok for all school students regardless of their ages and nationalities to kiss and hug themselves in both public and private places. Why? Because at school times relationship between boys and girls can not really go further to the next level as they are too young and have big obstacles ahead of them to overcome. Obstacles like entering university, finding a job and etc. So their chances are too slim to get married later in their lives.
ReplyDeleteSo NO to school students. Besides school students usually get paid practically for everything by their parents for things like pocket money, education, food, transport, social life, clothes and many others. If they have romantic relations and waste their times at school instead of working hard and succeeding academically, I think it is TOTALLY shame, shame and shame. I flatly condemn it.
As regards to University students, I think to some extend they should be left on their own to make their own decisions but at the same time they need to be monitored by society and parents. Kissing and hugging in public is ok as long it is done in a high morale way. For example if you have a girlfriend who passed a very difficult exam and came to share her joy with you in the 1st place, would not you kiss her sincerely and say how clever she is and that she really deserves it? :--)))))
Kissing and hugging in public places are not civilized manner
ReplyDeleteYeah.I agree with you Doston.So don`t kiss and hug your girlfriend in public places.But if you really want to hug her, just hide somewhere and hug her.It`s your business))))Nobody will disturb you^_^ LOL
ReplyDeleteThanks for your advice, man. But I needn't to hug my girlfriend.