Technology is making communication easier in today's world, but at the expense of personal contact as many people choose to work at home in front of a computer screen. What dangers are there for a society which depends on computer screens rather than face-to-face contact for its main means of communication?
people get into the way of screen communication!
ReplyDeletePeople going to live in virtual life rather than real life. However, computers damaging our eye-sight and many young people wear optical glasses in early ages.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, chatting face to face is better.
It made it easier to a great extend. For example, on Friday I had to cancel my class and I did it very easily without any hassle by just sending my students SMS messages from my mobile. Am I crazy? NO!!!! If you use Beeline and pay 5,000 sums to fill your account, company automatically gives you 1,00 SMS allowance. So I use it for my benefit.
ReplyDeleteToday, I asked my students to bring their unchecked Homework sheets and their dictionaries for the lesson and I did it very easily by sending them all SMS messages. :--))))
In future Mr.Akmal you won't go to class and teach students. You can just teach them in your home via internet, web cams and blah blah blah. )))))
ReplyDeleteYeah Doston it is good but I am also afraid that there maybe higher unemployment rate in the future because more and more schools, colleges, and universities maybe equipping their premises with all the latest technological devices in order to employ less teachers and make more revenue for themselves. They will hire teachers who will be very skillful and knowledgeable on how to use high-tech tools and teacher even better.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if it is a good trend or bad? :--((((
I hope it won't become so bad, anyway teachers are the great people in the world and they are always important.
ReplyDeleteOf course all new technologies influence on child`s behaviour.We should think about their disadvantages.If all schools,universities and colleges equipped with latest technologies and teach their students via internet, I`d imagine children would become lazy and would behave themselves badly.Also these technologies damage to our health. So we should try to avoid using technologies much.
ReplyDeleteOh Ahmad you wrote your name in a very original way with the help of high-tech. BRAVO!!!! :--))))
ReplyDeleteI`ve transformed my name))))I`m TRANSFORMER^_^
ReplyDeleteI know that technologies damage our health but I have to use them anyway.
ReplyDeleteAkmal aka what is it?))))"ttyty" is this code? yeah maybe you think that I`m really TRANSFORMER)) No unfortunately I`m not and I can`t read this))) Please Akmal aka write in language which we understand.^_^
ReplyDeleteooooops sorry I typed it by mistake when I was explaining how to leave a comment to one of my friends today. :--))) Just ignore it!!!!
ReplyDeletecommunication and technology we can't live without them
ReplyDeleteI am afraid that in the future unemployment rate will rise thanks to a constantly and rapidly developing high-tech. And it will happen from those technologically developed countries first.
ReplyDeleteYou know Mr.Akmal there are some political games in the world which almost in progress. Maybe I can prefer to you watch some political games in the net. For example search for films "Arrivals" and "American show". You can watch them online or download. And maybe your viewpoint will change.
ReplyDeleteI am not interested in politics very much these days. I don't care too much about them really. :--)))
ReplyDeleteLet me try when I have some free time.
If you not interested in politics, ignore it. :-))))))))