Chapter 2
My friend, my brother
He was going to sleep, he was feeling better after talk with that boy who told him that this was only life. He was thinking what will happen next day? He didn't know, maybe his mother would come back and take him. Maybe this was only dream. He didn't know...
After all these questions he slept, while his new friend was in the kitchen.
"Ma you know I met with new boy who had come in the morning. His name is Anvar. He is very little and innocent kid. I'm wondering how his mother dared to leave him in orphanage.
What a cruel woman she is"
"Maybe she is not so cruel my dear, maybe she is not able to grow him up"
"I don't think so. She looked very rich and she was young"
"Anyway I don't care about her. This is not up to us. By the way you'll go to bazaar tomorrow"
"Okay Ma"
Anvar woke up early, although he was very tired. He didn't realize yet that he was in orphanage. Then suddenly he heard somebody's voice.
"Wake up guys, come downstairs"
Was it his mother's voice? No, it wasn't. It was that plump woman's voice who held him while his mother was leaving him. In short time, everybody began getting up and went downstairs. He had no choice because he was starving. He dressed up and went with other boys.
Anvar again met his new friend who was quite older than he was. Bakhrom was tall and slim.
He wore glasses and he had blue eyes.
"Hey morning Anvar, how are you?"
"Thank you, I'm I... I'm..."
He couldn't continue because his pain again began to burn in his little heart. He began to cry and hugged Bakhrom.
"Oh Anvar my brother don't cry you are a big boy and big boys don't cry. Come on I know you are strong boy"
By Doston Mamatov
COOL! I havent expected such end of the story!
ReplyDeleteDoston I never thought that you have a gifted talent to write stories like these. Very touching!!! Really!
ReplyDeleteThank you.... =)))))))))
ReplyDeleteAkmal aka I think you added some extra letter while you checking. In first dialogue the boy should say "Ma" means mother but you put extra letter in the end "n". If you have read this comment you can delete it.
Doston I fixed the error. I am really sorry. I did not mean too!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou know I can't and can't understand people who get married and make children and then don't really care about them. They take having children granted. What a shame! There are lots of them in the place where I live. Their children are dirty, badly-behaved, uneducated and they still grow with that kind of mind.
ReplyDeleteHave you ever been in the orphanages?
I am sure Akmal, you will make a MODEL father.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I've been in orphanage when I was at 5th or 6th class. We went to orphanage from our school with clothes and toys (we brought our toys to share and also buy). That was eye-opener for me. I say thanks God, that I have family. Also I watched movies and read books about this theme.
ReplyDeleteWhy children are being left in the orphanages more these days? I think main reason is that their “parents” have been forced to get married by pressure at the time when they did not feel a so-called parenting instinct in themselves and did not began feeling and dealing with the things around themselves responsibly and maturely. And as one of our Anonymous users pointed out our youngsters these days are suffering from youth maximalizm. So their spirit is not calm and the way they think is not down-to-earth and often not realistic. To make things even worse they are also not patient.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you Akmal aka. Uzbek families sometimes force their children to get married. Also some young people think that they can manage their family life, but it becomes unsuccessful. There are many parents with no feelings and no love to their children.
ReplyDeleteAkmal, where do you get such 'phrases''parental instinct' LOL!,
ReplyDeleteWhat is it wrong? You want to say that this kind of phrase does not exist at all or what? Maybe "Parenting instinct" would be correct. Please correct me!!! :--))))
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yes many families sometimes force their children to get married, but here is other reasons too to my mind! Some yound persons fell in love have a great pasion and deside to get married! Some of them run out from home and began live together! They don't think about future and children! and then you guess...
ReplyDeleteAnother reason when coupls divorced! And one of parent can't provide his or her child!
I think it's silly! We shouldn't be in a hurry then deal is bound with our future family and children!
But if parents dye? And nobody from relatives
want adopt a child?
Here is another point "And nobody from relatives want adopt a child", well why relatives don't care about their sisters' or brothers' children, when strangers take care about them?
ReplyDeleteGuys, have you ever been in Orphanages?
LOL! Akmal, may be there is nothing wrong with what you wrote "parental instinct", it just sounds weird. I know a phrase - 'mother's instinct', anyway, sorry, no offense.