Let me tell you what happened to me about 3 years ago. I was young and quite very naive at that time. Like any other person who lives in former Soviet Union I used to think that people abroad, especially in places like USA, Canada, Europe or let alone Japan and Australia, work very little hours and get thousands of dollars for the work they do. At that time I used to feel so discouraged and less motivated that I did not want to work and live in Tashkent.
So I decided to go abroad to experience some kind of happiness and find a good job.
At the beginning I worked in the hotel and later joined language school.
Surprise, surprise!!! I found myself working for 14-16 hours in the hotel and later more or less same working hours in the language school. Did I make the money I wanted to??? Well more of less yes!!! For that period it was good money and I was sending quite a good amount of money to my family back home.
But my perception about so-called luxurious life in abroad changed. I saw how hard and long hours people work there and get paid good amount of money, which usually seems very huge in our eyes. Money they were making perhaps was good to spend in their own home-country but in that country it did not make a big difference and a big sense. And same thing was about me too.
Although I was happy, I was feeling that I was missing out quite a lot of things in my life. For example, being together with my family!!!! I was feeling myself like a machine which is supposed to earn money all the time.
After that I decided to come back home. Now while working in Tashkent, I don't focus solely on money but I try to look around myself and feel happy that I have the meaning of my life, good and supportive colleagues, lovely and hard-working students and wonderful friends. But at the same time, I try to keep myself financially healthy by taking several jobs. Since my return to Tashkent, I have been offered 3 or 4 jobs abroad. Oooops!!! Excuse my people I will think very carefully this time before going abroad to work. What about money??? What is point of going abroad to make a little more money than your own town and live all alone without any LOVE???!!!!
Written by Akmal Akbarov
Akmalaka Where have you been to?
ReplyDeleteCome on! it is too boring to read all your hardship stories again and again,
ReplyDeleteYeah it maybe a bit boring I agree. Next time I promise I will also write more positive articles. I actually wrote one but didn't want to appear as if I am trying to preach anyone. I felt a bit nervous. :--))))
ReplyDeleteMadina I was in Dubai, Dubai Knowledge Village. :--))))
yeah,Akmal aka you are absolutely right about desire going abroad and making a lot of money.
ReplyDeleteGoing abroad is something unique. Mr.Akmal I don't know why you think working abroad not so good. It's good, if you had reached more achievements that time, you could invite your family to Dubai. But maybe I'm wrong because I haven't worked abroad yet.
ReplyDeleteWe all, once in our life, want to go abroad and earn some "easy" money and live like kings with all the luxury that we see in foreign movies. However, once you ARE abroad you don't have the time to enjoy the luxury of that place and ,in fact, you will miss the real luxury that you haven't noticed in your home. Enjoy what you have now and strike to achieve even more by working hard and honestly. Your hard work will always be awarded. Right, Akmal aka!!??
ReplyDeleteAkmalaka i think that living and working abroad is not bad.you can earn much money if you work hard.i know that if one person goes another counary misses his native city.but it is live.if you can't live wel in your city you have to work in another place.umid
ReplyDeleteGuys if you go abroad to work, make sure you have an international degree. Otherwise, you may start working at McDonalds and end up working at McDonalds as a dancing chicken to attract the customers.
ReplyDeleteIf you have an international degree then you can move out from McDonalds to a place that you really want to work and start making a decent money.
If you have no degree then be prepared for a big challenge to work at McDonalds and study at College or University at the same time.
In overall, working and studying abroad is not lying in the beach and drinking your cocktail.
So EDUCATION, EDUCATION and 100 times EDUCATION guys!!!!
Actually going abroad to have a job which is paid enough is good idea for people who have not high education.I think students should go abroad only with the aim of studying and they can succeed in earning money anywhere but they also should be employed to support themself
ReplyDeletedid you have "dancing chicken" experience
ReplyDeleteNo I did not have a dancing chicken experience but working at the hotel was a terrible and yet an eye opening experience for me. :--))))
ReplyDeleteHi Barno opa I am very and very glad to see you on our blog. But I wonder why you are calling me Akmal aka :-))))
ReplyDeleteJust Akmal is fine. I was your student in fact!!!!!!
Invite your students please!!!!! :--))))
Dancing chicken at McDonalds sounds fascinating =)))))))) But to be dancing chicken you don't have to go abroad, in Tashkent has also vacancies for this job.
ReplyDeleteSeems that all teachers I have met are patriots. By the way Mr.Anonymous you are teacher, aren't you? Are you also patriot?
I am not sure Doston who is another (other)Mr.Anonymous,and whether you are addressing the question to him/her,
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I noticed some good comments by anonymous users.
Doston we actually have several Anonymous users on our blog. It is OK because this is what I promised to offer when promoting my blog to people.
ReplyDeleteHowever, it is better if they create a nickname and use it to communicate their views and ideas. This would help us to avoid misunderstanding over who said what during our discussions.
But anyway it is 100 % their own choice! I will not force anyone unless situation will demand me to do so :--))))
If you go abroad you must have a definite aim to achieve there and stick to that.
ReplyDeletePeople usually go abroad because their own country does not recognize or reward their talents appropriately.
Yeah this anonymous is another one, but I wonder if you use some kind of nickname or your real name. Maybe your name shame you, doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteBut anyway I agree with anonymous person about definite aim. However about talent; their own country does recognize it if people prove it. All things up to us. In addition, it doesn't matter where we studied, abroad or local university. If people have no real talent they can't achieve anything, although they studied abroad.
Our country is very good place to live but it`s better to go abroad to earn money.I think our economical system hasn`t wholly developed yet. People work very hard but their salary is very bad.It doesn`t even enough to provide their family with food for a month.I don`t want to charge our government,I just want to clarify the situation.We must admit that live in overseas is much better than live in our country.So what should do people , if he/she can`t provide his/her family with money? there are two ways.First commit a crime or second go to work abroad.If I were in such a situation, I would exactly choose the second.
ReplyDeleteMaybe your name shame you, doesn't it? What a stupid question! the question, which is not correct, sounds silly, you know.
ReplyDeleteDoston, being anonymous does NOT mean smb is ashamed of his/her name. It means that the person does NOT want to mention his/her name, period.
Yeah Doston I agree with Anonymous user on our blog. If they choose not reveal their names that is their choice and there may be some personal or professional reasons for it.
ReplyDeleteCmooon take it easy and let's be more open-minded.
Before we had only one Anonymous user and now we seem to have more and it is really good. Please,let's not be so pushy. :--))))
I read Ahmad's comment saying that it is a bit boring to have a discussion with two or three people. HOWEVER, remember that a lot of people are reading what you discussing and your commets are being read. Isn't it cool?? :--)))
Guys please notice that I have put some IELTS and Academic English realated web-sites that you maybe interested in. Please see My Favorite Sites Sections. :--))))
ReplyDeleteDoston to be honest I am deadly interested to know who these Anonymous users are. Really!!!!! Maybe I see them everyday at work but never know that we are exchanging ideas online with each other and my comments are being read and what we are doing is being watched. Well it is amazing and a bit thrilling isn't it. :--))))
ReplyDeleteThere is some kind of mysteriousity (sorry if misspelled)on our blog. Let's enjoy it all. It is great Doston!!!! WELCOME TO VIRTUAL WORLD :--)))))
Yeah Akmal aka it`s cool when people read comments.But can`t they write their comments to discuss a topic?I think it`ll be more cool if there are a lot of people and argue topics.
ReplyDeleteSo people please be active!!
huh! so long discussion! So about 2 ways I desagree! Because the salary of businessmans are very high!
ReplyDeleteOkay being anonymous is their choice. Also I beg your pardon Mr.Anonymous and I don't care anymore. Mr.Akmal you wrote that many people read our comments, it's good. But how it can be cool if they don't leave their comments and share their opinions. And how we, BLOGGERS can benefit from people who just read. It would be better if YOU LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS guys, if you don't mind.
ReplyDeleteAhmad do your parents work abroad?
Doston, why don't you start from your very self, leaving comments after (hopefully) reading others' ideas,huh?!
ReplyDeleteI tried to leave my views on several topics including IELTS, but did not find a single comment. So, I decided to read interesting viewpoints and if I find it necessary leave my own comment.
Oh come on Mr.Anonymous ))))))
ReplyDeleteI think Doston is right!
ReplyDeleteOhhhhh guys our blog is turning into a battle field as May 9 is approaching. Cmoooon!!!! Let's respect each other. I agree with Doston about Anonymous users but remember that they maybe some of my colleagues or even people in the managerial positions who work in other organizations in Uzbekistan or abroad. So these type of people prefer to leave their comments anonymously due to their professional status.
ReplyDeleteGuys since I opened a blog I have been promoting it almost everywhere and whenever I had a chance. I sent more than 1,000 SMSs to people who I thought may be interested in it; I sent dozens of e-mails to all my friends, all my WIUT colleagues, all WIUT students, messages to huge global organizations in the world through Face-book. I asked some my friends who work in international organizations and foreign consulates to disseminate our blog among all their friends and colleagues.
And believe it or not, it has been so tough and discouraging when you don't see people joinning our blog after so much of PR. Every single time when I see new people joining our blog discussions I become extremely happy no matter what comments they leave. Believe me it is extremely difficult to attract anyone's attention and drive anyone to join our blog.
Every time when I meet people to whom I advertised my blog, they say ''Akmal, I visited your blog and it is very cool. The idea is really original and unique. I'd love to leave my comments but I am very busy these days. However, I open your blog every day and read the comments whenever I have time.'' Then I say to myself, ''Well at least people are reading our blog discussions''. I wish I had a Visitor Counter tool on my blog. I am sure it would show good numbers there.
There are two ways how to check out this without any tool. If you go to my Profile and see User Stats section you will notice that my profile has been viewed approximately 300 times since February 2010. Not bad. It tells me people are visiting our blog.
Another way of finding out how people people visit our blog is through Opinion Polls that I announce every week. Please, however, note that not everyone votes on our polls. But every week I can see about 10 people vote in average. Again not bad!!!!
In conclusion, I want to say that we should respect and tolerate each other if we want more and more people to visit our blog once and come back to it again and again. And it does not really matter how they use our blog; actively (always leave comments), quite passively (leave comments rarely) and always passively (read but never leave comments. Also it should be OK whether they choose to show their names, or opt to use Nicknames or Anonymous user profile.
Let's respect individual preferences and differences in ourselves EVERYBODY!!!!!!! People should have a choice! :----)))))))
PS: After all guys, please remember that I am not making any money from our blog as some people suspect or believe I am.
Yeah you're right Mr.Akmal. I know it's hard to promote blog and sometimes it would be pity if people don't visit it. Also if I offended somebody I'm really sorry of course :-)))))))))))))
ReplyDeleteYeah Akmal aka we can`t demand people to write comments.It`s their choice write comments or not.But I think if visitor wants to improve his/her English, he must also leave his/her comments not only read other`s. For example, when I write my comments I always find new words and I write down them.Every day when I enter the blog I learn almost 4-5 new words.
ReplyDeletePeople write more new words and help all users(me) improve vocabulary)))))
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