It is an ugly, cruel and unnecessary part of school life and is a source of misery for millions of children. More than 2 million youngsters in the UK are bullied at some point in their school years. Of these, 40 percent suffer bullying twice a week or more. One in 12 youngsters are bullied so badly it affects their education, relationships and even their job prospects in later life. And 10 in 15 cases every year the bullying reaches such a dreadful level that it drives the young victims to suicide.
May 23, 2010
Ace Your Exams

Most of the students believe that if they prepare for exams very seriously spending a lot of candle-lit late nights studying all the way, they will surely pass their exams. Alas, they forget some of the most important factors that seem to be so small but usually can make a big difference. Tips that I am going to share with you now are those that I learnt from my own
Ace Your Exams

PREPARE YOUR TOOLS: Many of us tend to neglect some of the very basic tools when going into an exam room. Things we forget are pencils, eraser, pencil sharpener, watch and a bottle of pure mineral water. You may be thinking why the h…l I am mentioning these basic things. Let me explain you why. Pencils: they are better than pens
May 15, 2010
Ask Westminster International University in Tashkent

If you remember Westminster International University in Tashkent organized an Open Day Event in its campus on 19 May 2010. Keeping the fact in mind that not everyone could attend the event physically, I took this event on our blog. People were able to ask their questions virtually just sitting in their offices or homes. It worked perfectly well last week.
Is Revenge Useful And Sweet?

Has someone treated you badly? Do you need to get your own back? At we are all too aware that some people are greatly in need of humiliation - the pompous, the contemptuous, the violent, the thoughtless. They will all benefit from a little anonymous payback. We do not encourage anything illegal, violent, or in any way damaging. We do not take any responsibility for the actions of people who visit this site.
Should Children Be Smacked?

Mary Marsh of NSPCC (Britain' main children's charity) says: "It should be as wrong to hit a child as an adult". However, in a recent survey in th UK, 83 % of parents said that children needed to be smacked sometimes and that smacking was good for a child.
Smacking is banned in many countries.
In England and Wales, you can legally give your child 'a light smack', but you can be jailed if you leave a bruise, a scratch or cut on child's skin.
Greatest Action Movie Star Ever

Bruce Lee (1940-1973), the greatest action movie star of all time, should receive a lifetime achievement award for his work in films. Bruce died tragically in 1973, so he would not be able to receive the award himself, but his fans would love to see him honored. Why was Bruce Lee so great? The fight scenes in his films were amazing because he was always in top physical condition. He was also a great actor. Since he started acting when he was just 6 years old, he was very comfortable and natural in front of the camera.
Children Are Innocent
Chapter 3
Another boy with another story
"Heyyy, anybody at hommmme?"
"Shh children are sleeping. Where have you been so long?"
"Wwhat? Shut up you!"
He hit his wife and his wife nearly fell. He was drunk and come back late in midnight.
"You can't ask me where I have been, I.. I'll do anything I want, understood!!!"
Five Useful Tips Before Your Exams

Like any other student I also used to hate exams when I was a school boy. Besides, exams those times used to be organized in an old fashioned way that it was really unfair and discouraging. As a student I was supposed to prepare for about thirty different questions and only one of them would be an exam question to judge my knowledge. Other twenty nine questions would be thrown out automatically into air.
The Secret of Successful Language Learning

We asked two experienced teachers of English for their opinion. Alastair Banton is a teacher at a private language school in the UK. He has also taught English in Japan. I think the most important thing is that you really have to want to learn the language - without that, you won't get very far. You also have to believe that you will do it ... imagine yourself using the language confidently, and think, 'Yes, I can do that1.
May 9, 2010
Has Human Harmed The Earth Or Made It a Better Place?
Is Communication Easier In Today's World?

Technology is making communication easier in today's world, but at the expense of personal contact as many people choose to work at home in front of a computer screen. What dangers are there for a society which depends on computer screens rather than face-to-face contact for its main means of communication?
May 8, 2010
Big Town vs. Small Town

Living in a town(big or small)is preferable because life in a town means a lot of benefits. When it comes to choosing between a big or a small town, I would definitely choose to live in a big one. Why? The next three arguments will explain my choice.
First of all, it is education wise. Many of us want to have a decent life and igh quality of education. In a big town you have more opportunities: good high schools, colleges and universities.
Wandering Mind

This article tries to help us understand what we lose when we are not concentrating on whatever we are doing. Many students have spent years allowing their minds to wander because they have never applied principles of discipline to their thought life.
Quite often people who cannot seem to concentrate, think they are mentally deficient. However, an inability to concentrate can be the result of years letting the mind to do whatever it wants to do, whenever it wants to do it. A lack of concentration can also be a symptom of vitamin deficiency.
30-Day Life

I`ve written this after reading Madina`s story. Her story really encouraged me.
March`s morning. I woke up and slowly got up. I looked at calendar, it was 17th March. “I have to go” - I thought. I went out and walked along the street. I was going to hospital to take my analysis results. The street was wet as it had been raining. I walked slowly, I wasn`t in a hurry. When I was crossing the park I saw a flock of birds, which were singing .
May 2, 2010
Are First Impressions Always Right?

Every personal or business relationship starts with a first impression. Psychologists say that when you meet someone for the first time, they make an impression on you less than thirty seconds.
We evaluate another person using three Vs: visual (how you look, your clothes), vocal (your voice) and verbal (what you say). When you meet someone for the first time, your body language and your clothes make 93 % of the first impression. Only 7 % are the words you say.
What Is Happiness?

A recent survey in ........ showed that 25 % of the population saw no hope for the future and one in ten felt that life was not worth living. Many teenagers were excessively worroed about their weight and general appearance. Apporoximately 25 % claimed they suffer from anxiety over their studies.
Are you surprised by these statistics? Are you basically happy with your life? When is the happiest you have ever been? What is happiness for you?
Things You Must Know About Working Abroad

Let me tell you what happened to me about 3 years ago. I was young and quite very naive at that time. Like any other person who lives in former Soviet Union I used to think that people abroad, especially in places like USA, Canada, Europe or let alone Japan and Australia, work very little hours and get thousands of dollars for the work they do. At that time I used to feel so discouraged and less motivated that I did not want to work and live in Tashkent.
Children Are Innocent

Chapter 2
My friend, my brother
He was going to sleep, he was feeling better after talk with that boy who told him that this was only life. He was thinking what will happen next day? He didn't know, maybe his mother would come back and take him. Maybe this was only dream. He didn't know...
After all these questions he slept, while his new friend was in the kitchen.
"Ma you know I met with new boy who had come in the morning. His name is Anvar. He is very little and innocent kid. I'm wondering how his mother dared to leave him in orphanage.
It is very long night for me! I have been sitting and waiting for my mom for 240minutes and hours, who should come at 6 o'clock in the morning! Although time was only 1 a.m I couldn't sleep, however I turned lights off. It is very dark in the room as dark as my life memories. I'm thinking about my terrible, dull and grievous life!
May 1, 2010
Relations of Young People These Days!

Guest post by Nodira
We see relations of young people in the street, at the lyceum, in the shops etc and we know about the behavior of youth nowadays. Let me express my opinion as regards to this situation. I think these days young people are not serious. I mean girls and boys pretend to be in love with each other BUT IN REALITY IT IS NOT TRUE. Young people do not love each other. They only want to spend some time together. This is my personal opinion and certainly I can argue that they do not love each other.
So why do I think so? For instance, in the street you see every day several young couples kissing and
hugging each other. Do you know if a boy loves any girl
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