April 24, 2010

Immoral Earning?

What in the world is happening to professional sport? When I was a kid, it cost 5 $ to get a decent seat at the stadium, and my dad would buy me a hot dog and himself a beer which would cost bring the total cost of about 10 $.

Last Saturday I took my little boy to see the Giants play. After the parking, tickets, refreshments and souvenirs, I walked out of there with 75 $ less in my pocket. Just ask me how soon I will be going back!

Life Is Short

People are born and they die after living some time. Person can live many years and leave bad memories behind or live a few years and leave good memories. As my father says – “You must be as that man who people will know during your life and will remember you even after your death”.

Time can’t wait! Therefore, we should understand what we are doing and learn from our mistakes. For a reason people say that this world is like a boomerang.

Alassio - Beautiful Holiday-Resort In Italy

Alassio is a small city in Italy. It is on seaboard of the Mediterranean. Very rich people live in this city. It is a fantastic city with palms, flowers and other trees. The buildings are very nice. The streets are very narrow and made from stone. It is sunny town for relaxation. The best time to visit is summer.

My Favorite City

I was in Bremen last summer. I had a competition in Woopertal. My grandparents have friends in Bremen. And after competition they took us to their house in Bremen. We didn't walk so much in Woopertal but in Bremen we walked all the time.

It is very nice city; all roads were clean and nobody threw rubbish on the streets. There were many big markets and entertainment centers in this city. The biggest market is called "Water Park". If you want to have shopping, you can walk there for one week.

My Favorite Restaurant

My favorite restaurant is Dimir. It’s the most popular restaurant in Tashkent. It’s a Turkish and Uzbek restaurant. Uzbekistan and Turkey concluded contract with each other. Dimir is situated in the centre of the city and it’s near the oldest hotel ‘’Zarafshan’’.

Interior is beautiful and European. And Dimir originated from Turkey. It’s romantic and family atmosphere inside of restaurant. On the first floor it’s romantic atmosphere because there are many couples and on the second floor there are parents and their kids.

Keep Fit and Lead A Healthy Life

Sport and healthy food are good things for keeping fit and leading healthy life. We have to do some sport in our life for example, tennis, basketball, volleyball, swimming and other. We should work hard. It means we must do that thing which our coach says to do. We have to train our body. First we should train our head. How can we train our head? We have only one way to train it and it’s turning. We turn our head to each side. Second, we should train our trunk. Third, we should train our feet. After that, we can run, jump and play sport. Running, jumping and other physical activities will keep us fit, but we also have to eat right food. It means we shouldn’t eat oily food and too much bread.

Story From My Life

I want to tell you a real story from my life. Let me tell you when and how I started to study English.

I started studying English when I was the first student at lyceum. Before entering the lyceum I didn`t know English well. I only knew some English words and at lyceum examination I did English test by guess-work. Fortunately, I passed the exam.


"Mum don't leave me here please, I don't want to stay here. Mummy, please take me back home". He was crying and screaming. He was only 5 years old and wanted to go with his mother. He wanted to feel relieved, but he could not. A big plump woman held him very tightly. He was doing his best just to escape from her hands and catch up his Mum.

However, heartless mother left his son and even did not look back to see him for last time. She got in car and said to driver "Go!". When she reached her home, a man was waiting for her.
"Have you done it?"
"Good, now we can live together and no more children, no more problems. We can go
everywhere we wish. I love you sweetie"
"Me too darling"

April 18, 2010

Write & Publish Online

Are you good at writing? Or are you bad at it? No matter what it is, e-mail me your story or article and I will post it on our blog. You make grammar mistakes? No worries!!!! I will check your piece of work before posting it on the blog. So here how you can get yourself started: 1) Take one sheet of paper and a pencil, go into your room and close the door tightly and hang "I am extremely busy" note, 2) Hold the pencil and begin writing about an event that changed your life or opened your eyes. Or make up your own story.

April 17, 2010

Good Music

Why do people consider "rap" as music? There is nothing musical about hearing someone spout curse words to a beat. Do you agree? Why? How and to what extend can music influence on you?

Family or Career?

There is no more free education, no more free medical care and no more free housing in the capitalstic world we are living in nowadays. To make things even worse it is getting very difficult to find a decent job and provide your family with a quality life you want. Once you found a job and want to get promoted you should devote more of your time for professional and career-oriented life. This situation is pushing both men and women to work equally hard to survive, maintain and build their own world.

Who Are Better At Parenting? Men or Women?

Many people believe that women are better parents than men and this is why they have the greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that man are just as good as women at parenting. So who is a better at raising and bringing up children anyway? :--))))

April 11, 2010

Who Killed The King of Pop?

As for me he was the most original, unique and number-1 pop singer in the whole world. There was nobody like him and there will be no one like him anymore. Jackson was Jackson. King of Pop!!! His stage-dressing, hairstyle, dance style is something he created himself. No one can dance like him and be like him. Few of us can ever understand the way he lived his short and stormy life that shook the world as a whole. He was the perfectionist.

Are You Ready To Study Abroad?

The idea of going overseas for university study is an exciting prospect for many people. But while it may offer some advantages, it is probably better to stay home because of the difficulties a student inevitably encounters living and studying in a different culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree this statement? Give reasons for your answer.

April 3, 2010

Don't Panic! You'll Get What You Want From IELTS.

I would like to introduce you Sarvar who was one of my students at Preparation courses, WIUT. When I taught him English about 2 years ago, he was in Pre-Intermediate group. Recently he has taken an IELTS exam at British Council in Tashkent and got IELTS score he wanted and worked hard for. When he sent me sms to share his joy and happiness I quickly contacted him and asked whether he could be available on our blog to share with us how he prepared for such a good success and introduce us to his study habits, strategies and etc.

Should We Say NO To Hollywood Movies?

I personally believe that there are a lot of fantastic quality Hollywood movies which convey very good message to the whole world. However, movies like Fast and Furious are really making young people furious and rebellious too. Movies like that are also changing the way they view life in a negative way.

Do you think we should say NO to Hollywood movies and discourage ourselves and our younger sisters, brothers to watch movies less and less? In your opinion what factors make the movie good? Which movies would NOT you recommend to watch and which ones you would recommend? Why?

10 Quick Tips for Concise & Compelling Writing

A Guest Post by Tom Walker

Writing about anything you are interested in or passionate about can be tricky. It’s hard, once you have filled your head with research to write a concise, engaging piece without being bogged down by details. Readers, however, will most likely only read the first few sentences and start skimming if your copy doesn’t grab them right away. Massive chunks of text are likely to be ignored by most readers altogether.



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