When a lot of people get together to share things that are important to them, sometimes these discussions and posts include controversial topics and content. We believe this online dialog mirrors the exchange of ideas and opinions that happens throughout people's lives offline, in conversations at home, at work, in cafes, and in classrooms. Discussions of political and religious topics are strictly prohibited.
As a trusted community of friends, family, coworkers, and classmates, Englishclubuz is largely self-regulated by its own content contributors (teachers/education specialist and students). People who post on Englishclubuz and read the posts (readers) have all the rights to report content to English Club administration that they find offensive. To balance the needs and interests of a global community we ask you to respect the following content standards when posting on Englishclubuz:
Threats: We want our members/readers/fans to feel safe on the site. Any posts threatening others will be removed. We may also remove comment(s) that threaten other members or site content contributors.
Hate Speech: Englishclubuz does not tolerate hate speech. Please grant each other mutual respect when you communicate here. While we encourage the discussion of ideas, institutions, events, and practices, it is a serious violation of our terms to single out individuals based on race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or disease.
Graphis Violence: While we are a platform for sharing events that take place in your life and around the world, any inappropriately against people or animals, or depictions of sexual assault, erotic pictures are strictly prohibited.
Sex & Nudity: We have a strict "no nudity and pornography" policy. Any content that is inappropriate will be removed. Before posting questionable content, we encourage you to consider our site audience, their age and culture they represent.
Identity & Privacy: Englishclubuz is a community where real people connect and share using their real identities. When you represent yourself accurately on our site you are helping to build trust and safety for everyone. Claiming to be someone else, creating multiple accounts, or falsely representing an organization undermines this trust and violates our terms. Please also refrain from publishing other people's personal information.
Intellectual Property: Before publishing content on Englishclubuz, please make sure you have the unique content. By this we mean that what you post should not be found on any other sites/blogs across the World Wide Web. If you want to embed any material on the site, please do not make it available for the public to download unless you have obtained the written permission from the author. We ask that you respect copyrights, trademarks, and other legal rights.
Reporting Abuse: If you see something on Englishclubuz that you believe violates our terms, you can report it to us. Please keep in mind that reporting a person, organization, or piece of content doesn't guarantee its removal from the site immediately.
Because of the diversity of our community, it's possible that something could be disagreeable or disturbing to you without meeting the criteria for being removed or blocked. Content that does violate our terms may be removed from our site and (in some cases) subject to legal or other action.