May 23, 2010

How To Stop Bullies At Schools?

It is an ugly, cruel and unnecessary part of school life and is a source of misery for millions of children. More than 2 million youngsters in the UK are bullied at some point in their school years. Of these, 40 percent suffer bullying twice a week or more. One in 12 youngsters are bullied so badly it affects their education, relationships and even their job prospects in later life. And 10 in 15 cases every year the bullying reaches such a dreadful level that it drives the young victims to suicide.

Ace Your Exams


Most of the students believe that if they prepare for exams very seriously spending a lot of candle-lit late nights studying all the way, they will surely pass their exams. Alas, they forget some of the most important factors that seem to be so small but usually can make a big difference. Tips that I am going to share with you now are those that I learnt from my own

Ace Your Exams


PREPARE YOUR TOOLS: Many of us tend to neglect some of the very basic tools when going into an exam room. Things we forget are pencils, eraser, pencil sharpener, watch and a bottle of pure mineral water. You may be thinking why the h…l I am mentioning these basic things. Let me explain you why. Pencils: they are better than pens

May 15, 2010

Ask Westminster International University in Tashkent

If you remember Westminster International University in Tashkent organized an Open Day Event in its campus on 19 May 2010. Keeping the fact in mind that not everyone could attend the event physically, I took this event on our blog. People were able to ask their questions virtually just sitting in their offices or homes. It worked perfectly well last week.



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