April 11, 2010

Are You Ready To Study Abroad?

The idea of going overseas for university study is an exciting prospect for many people. But while it may offer some advantages, it is probably better to stay home because of the difficulties a student inevitably encounters living and studying in a different culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree this statement? Give reasons for your answer.

April 3, 2010

Don't Panic! You'll Get What You Want From IELTS.

I would like to introduce you Sarvar who was one of my students at Preparation courses, WIUT. When I taught him English about 2 years ago, he was in Pre-Intermediate group. Recently he has taken an IELTS exam at British Council in Tashkent and got IELTS score he wanted and worked hard for. When he sent me sms to share his joy and happiness I quickly contacted him and asked whether he could be available on our blog to share with us how he prepared for such a good success and introduce us to his study habits, strategies and etc.

Should We Say NO To Hollywood Movies?

I personally believe that there are a lot of fantastic quality Hollywood movies which convey very good message to the whole world. However, movies like Fast and Furious are really making young people furious and rebellious too. Movies like that are also changing the way they view life in a negative way.

Do you think we should say NO to Hollywood movies and discourage ourselves and our younger sisters, brothers to watch movies less and less? In your opinion what factors make the movie good? Which movies would NOT you recommend to watch and which ones you would recommend? Why?

10 Quick Tips for Concise & Compelling Writing

A Guest Post by Tom Walker

Writing about anything you are interested in or passionate about can be tricky. It’s hard, once you have filled your head with research to write a concise, engaging piece without being bogged down by details. Readers, however, will most likely only read the first few sentences and start skimming if your copy doesn’t grab them right away. Massive chunks of text are likely to be ignored by most readers altogether.



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